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I love Jesus and I'm experiencing anxiety. How do I walk in freedom from anxiety?

If you believe God's Word is the authority and you are ready to follow God's Word as the ultimate authority on freedom from anxiety,

download your free PDF now. 

Your words have power. Scripture declares that death and life are in the power of the tongue.

When it comes to anxiety, you can learn how to exchange the world's lies about anxiety for God's truth.

This PDF provides you with a list of 7 sneaky lies and 7 biblical truths to replace them.

By bringing your words into agreement with God's Word, you can overcome anxiety one thought at a time.

Discover what God's Word says about

overcoming anxiety

in this free PDF when you sign up for twice monthly biblical encouragement from Dr. Sherri


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This is a LIMITED-TIME download, available only through 10/31.

Do you know in your head that you're redeemed, yet don't feel it in your heart?

Dr. Sherri teaches you how to bridge that gap so you can LIVE like you BELIEVE.

Through an online women's membership community called MOR+, Nightly Scripture Readings and Tuesday Teachings live on YouTube, and in-person on-site teaching for women's groups, Dr. Sherri teaches you how to think, feel, and do in alignment with the truth of God's Word so you lay claim to the abundant life Jesus promised you in the here and now.

Learn more about the Mindset of the Redeemed

Doc...may i just say: Thank you for crystallizing the fact that believing ANYTHING (and doing anything) counter to His Word, His commands, is DISOBEDIENCE...plain & simple. No matter the psychological diagnosis, we must believe a.k.a. obey what He says about us! 

- Disa, Jesus follower

I pray that THIS message of freedom and redemption in CHRIST will reach far and wide. May believers hear the truth! Honestly, may all the world hear the healing message Dr. Sherri is sharing from God. 

- Kristine, Jesus follower

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